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V40 Blue Extra Hardwax -7°C to -1°C, 43g

V40 Blue Extra Hardwax -7°C to -1°C, 43g

Price: EUR 10

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The most popular grip wax in the V-series. A very versatile ski wax with a wide range of uses at minus temperatures. When used near 0°C, the air has to be dry (low relative humidity) and new snow is required. New, falling snow from -1°C to -7°C. Old/transformed snow from -3°C to -10°C. The V-series is designed for both racing and recreational skiing. The quality is very high due to carefully-selected, sophisticated wax qualities, synthetic rubbers and oils that meet strict health requirements.
  • Blue Extra in the classic V-series is the world’s most sold grip wax.
  • Provides great grip for ski trips, training and racing
  • Apply in thin layers and smooth with a cork.
  • Suitable for new, falling snow from -1°C to -7°C.
  • Rember cork to rub the wax onto your skis and a scrape to get it off

Application method

First, rub the grip zone with sandpaper. Then apply a layer of base wax/base klister, eg VGS35C. To finish, apply the kick wax V40 and use a cork to polish.