What is klister with coverage?
What is klister with coverage?
Most people are used to adding either kick wax or klister to grip on the skis. Did you know that it is possible to combine the two and get klister with coverage?
Klister with coverage is just what the name implies: klister that are covered. In this case it's the kick wax which is covering the klister.
When to use klister with coverage?
Klister with coverage is often used in varying temperature conditions, where you go from plus celcius degrees in the valley to minus ceclius degerees in the mountains.
If you only used klister on this trip, you would've had good grip in plus degrees, but clacking as the klister would had frozen on the dry snow. By adding kick wax, you would have good skis on the mountain, but no grip in the sections with plus degrees.
Klister with coverage are also used when there is heavy wear on the track or on artificial snow. The klister will then have a better wear resistance than kick wax.
Why should you use klister with coverage?
We start with the example where you encounter both cold and mild conditions on the same ski trip. Klister with coverage will dampen the aggressiveness of the klister so that it does not ice on the dry conditions.
You will still be able to kick well from where the snow is milder. It is a unique combination that is almost impossible to achieve when the conditions vary.
The alternative on difficult conditions is to use skin skis, but remember that skin skis are not completely maintenance-free either.
How to put klister with coverage
- Rub up the sole with sandpaper. Use roughness #100 or #120. Wipe with the fibers afterwards.
- Option 1: Warm up the KX30 Blue Ice Klister. Make sure you lay a thin and even layer. One tip here is to heat the tube so that the klister is easier to distribute on the ski.
- Option 2: Spray on KB20 Base Klister. This will settle as a thin base on the ski sole.
- Option 3: You can use a wax machine to apply a thin layer of klister.
- Leave your skis out overnight.
- The next day, put a thin layer with top klister. This should not be laid too thick and you should be left inside at room temperature to get the best possible results. Feel free to use a wax machine or kluster brush to get it even.
- Popular top klister are K21 Universal Silver Klister, KX40 Silver Klister, KX35 Violet Special Klister, KN44 Nero or KN33 Nero.
- Put your skis out in the cold to cool. The klister must be left out until it is hard enough to put dry wax over.
- When the klister has become hard, put 2-3 layers of kjick on top. Cork lightly between each layer. It is important that you do not cork the wax into the adhesive, but that it lays as a thin film on top. A good tip is to leave the party wax outdoors before you start. A cold attachment wax is easier to apply evenly than a fixing wax that has been left at room temperature.
- Popular kick waxes are VP45, VP50 and VP55.
Now you're done adding klister with coverage. Good job and good ski trip.