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Weather and temperatures for Sunday
(Source: and

  • Canazei at 10:00: +1.0°C
  • Moena at 11:00: +2.0°C
  • Cavalese at 11:00: +4.0°C


Swix Structure Tool: 1.0 mm straight rill with firm pressure on the rear of the ski.

Glide – easy option

1. Iron in Swix HS06, let cool.

2. Iron in once more, let cool, scrape off with a plexi scraper, and brush with a Swix bronze or steel brush.

3. Finish with Swix HS10L liquid. Brush with a Swix red or blue nylon polishing brush.

Glide – racing option

1. Iron in Swix DHFF White Marathon as a base.

2. Apply Swix DHP White Marathon powder or Swix TSP10 Yellow powder.

3. Let cool, scrape off with a plexi scraper, and brush with a Swix bronze or steel brush. Repeat the process twice for increased durability.

4. Finish with a Swix red or blue nylon polishing brush.

Grip1. Sand the base well with sandpaper (#100).

2. Spray on a thin layer of KB20 Green Base Klister or apply a thin layer of KX20 Green Klister.

3. Apply a thin layer of KX35N.

4. Apply one layer of KN44 nero.

Tip: You can skip the mid layer with KX35N if you have soft skis.


1. Clean the skins with N22 Skin Cleaner and let dry for 20 minutes.

2. Impregnate the skins with N20 Swix Skin Impregnation, and let dry for 20 minutes.

3. Apply N21 Skin Boost to enhance grip and glide.

Note: Updated waxing tips will be provided on Friday and Saturday.

Swix wishes all participants a fantastic race!

Wax tip