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Chapter 15: Easy application of liquid glide waxes

Chapter 15: Easy application of liquid glide waxes

Our fluoro-free liquid gliders are of such high quality that they were already recommended as a top layer during the World Ski World Championships in 2021.

Our fluoro-free liquid gliders are of such high quality that they were already recommended as a top layer during the World Ski World Championships in 2021.

How to apply our liquid gliders for competition

  1. Spray the liquid on a T21 felt cork and drag it over the ski from tip to tail to even out the liquid.
  2. Let the ski dry for at least 15 minutes based on a room temperature above 15C.
  3. To achieve better performance and durability, we suggest using a roto fleece (T18F-2) at a speed of approximately 1500 RPM. To begin, start from the tip and move the drill back and forth. The movement should be a foot long as you work your way towards the tail. Use light pressure for best results.
  4. Brush firmly with a fine red nylon (T190) or Blue Nylon hand brush (T0160) or nylon roto brush (T0017W).

Pro tip: To fully benefit from the liquids and keep your ski base in good condition, it's recommended to occasionally perform hot waxing. This is especially important for new or recently ground skis before using any liquids. In colder conditions, it's advised to apply a hard traditional glider before the liquid. You can use PS, HS, or Marathon waxes for this purpose. For racing, TS powder is also a good choice.

Pro tip 2: You can apply liquid waxes outside, but drying time is longer in colder temperatures. We recommend bringing your skis indoors to dry.

Our liquid gliders and application tools