Triac 4.0 Aero Pole
Price: EUR 420
We're changing how pole lengths are measured from fall 2022. Here's why.
The length of the pole is now measured to the top of the strap. Previously, the pole length was measured to the top of the handle, i.e. further up. This will ensure that you get the same length of pole regardless of the type of handle it uses.
We're making this change so that the measurement system is compatible with FIS’ regulations concerning the maximum length of poles in competitions.
There will now be two different models of Triac 4.0 in circulation.
A version with an old and new measuring systems. The poles are precisely the same except for how the length is measured. The table above shows that if you before used 1550 poles, you now must go down to 1500.
Then there will be a difference of one cm in actual length from what you are used to. If you want it exactly the same, the poles must be cut.
The question we get most often is how long the poles should be. A simple rule to follow is that poles for classic should be 35 cm shorter than your body length and for skating 25 cm shorter than your body length.
If you are between two lengths, we recommend that you choose the shortest option.