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How to use the bottle belt washer kit

How to use the bottle belt washer kit

Here's a step by step tutorial on how you easily apply the drink belter washer kit.

The washer kit contains both a small and a large silicon ring, depending which drink belt you have.

Here's a tutorial on how you change the silicon ring, if you have a large cap.

Step 1 – removing the old silicon ring

Remove the old white ring from inside the larger cap. Shown in red for clarity.

Step 2 – inserting the new silicon ring

Insert the new silicon ring into the groove in the cap where the old white ring used to be.

Step 3 – screw the cap onto the drink belt

Screw the cap onto the drink belt, this will push the silicon ring into place. Change the fit and seal with cold water before using other liquids.

If you have small cap, please follow these steps.

Step 1 – removing the old silicon ring

Insert the new silicon ring into the groove in the cap – shown in red for clarity. There is no old ring to remove on smaller caps.

Step 2 – screw the cap onto the drink belt

Screw the smaller cap into place on the larger cap, this will help push the silicon ring into place. Check the fit and seal with cold water before filling with other liquids.