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Planning to compete in cross country skiing?

Planning to compete in cross country skiing?

We asked the world’s best cross country skiers what a recreational skier should do to set a personal record, beat their best friend or complete a winter ski race in style.

– My tip is to go on long runs where you focus on maintaining good technique at all times, says Karlsson.

Frida Karlsson: Work on technique

We met the Swedish ski star at her home in Sollefteå before the start of the season. She shows us her favorite autumn session: Running with poles – also known as elghufs. When winter arrives, she prefers long skiing runs.

– I often divide my long run into 3 x 15 kilometers. Then I ski at close to competition speed on uphill slopes and on the flats, and I might also get a little in on the downhill slopes, says Karlsson.

Many skiers – especially recreational skiers – are less technical when they become tired. According to the World Cup winner from Seefeldt, this is something that can be trained for.

– I’ve got a lot out of training in long threshold sessions up to two hours, where I’m constantly focusing on using the right technique. This means that you have to work at maintaining the correct position and technique over time, says Karlsson.

You need to train what you need to be good at, says former world champion Hans Christer Holund.

Hans Christer Holund: Go semi-hard on long trips

The 15 and 50 kilometer world champion calls himself a training geek and there are few cross-country skiers who make more deliberate choices than the national team skier when it comes to training.

Most recreational athletes aim for longer runs such as Vasaloppet. Then you need to train what you need to be good at, says the world champion and comes up with a specific session that he uses a lot in his training.

– I would train semi-hard long runs. You take it easy for the first twenty minutes, but then you start turning it on as you get farther into the run. Gradually increase your speed until you get close to your own competition speed, but not so hard that you get stiff. I like to call it 'comfortable hard', says Holund, adding that the run should last at least two hours.

– I strongly believe in good preparation. If you get started on a long distance race without skiing enough, then you’ll have a hard time, says the Swedish sprint queen Linn Svahn.

Linn Svahn: You need to pole

Linn Svahn was out with injuries when she was a guest on our podcast Skisporet. She recommends that everyone who is going to enter a long-distance race need to prepare.

– I strongly believe in good preparation. If you get started on a long-distance race without skiing enough, then you’ll have a hard time, says Swedish sprint queen Linn Svahn.

In other words, long runs, poling, good technique and many hours on skis are the key to getting into good skiing shape for winter ski races. We hope you’ve found a little something to work with – and we wish you all the best in your training.